
Guest Posting Information - Abby's Hearth

Guest Posting Information

Hi there! Thank you for your interest in writing a guest post for AbbysHearth. I love readers who share my love for all things to do with life, faith, and home plus travel and cooking! (PS. If you landed here by looking for or, those sites are now a part of

From time to time, I will accept guest posts on the blog to share great content that my readers will love. Topics include home, DIY, lifestyle, faith, food, travel, historic monuments, and more. Please submit your topic for consideration via email to before sending any content across.

If you are an agency or a PR looking to collaborate or to place commercial posts for yourself or for a client, please contact me to discuss terms and fees.

Guidelines for Guest Posts

  • All content must be original and not have been published elsewhere on the web.
  • Travel/where-to-eat/what-to-eat/monument/lifestyle posts should be at least 700 to 1500 words. No maximum. At least 7 original good quality high-resolution photos that measure a minimum 1024 px wide.
  • How-to posts must be a minimum of 500 words, apart from the how-to section section. No maximum. If you can also add a few FAQs and Tips that would be great. At least 5 original good quality high-resolution photos that measure a minimum 1024 px wide.
  • Recipe posts must be a minimum of 300 words, apart from the recipe section. No maximum. If you can add a few Cooking Tips or Substitutions that would be great. At least 2 original good quality high-resolution photos and at least 3 in process shots that measure a minimum 1024 px wide.
  • We do not accept posts that include links to low-value websites or blogs or affiliate links. Any commercial links in your submission will be deleted.
  • We may edit submissions for grammar and spelling. If your content needs to change significantly, I’ll ask permission first.
  • We will add additional links, visual content, or affiliate content in and around your post.
  • Please also add in links to two relevant posts from your blog in different parts of the post.
  • If we accept your post, we will link back to your site in your bio, and also share your post on the relevant Social Media. Please send us a brief bio and a 300 px or larger photo of yourself along with your post.
  • If we okay your post guest post topic, and you haven’t sent it across in 2 months, we may accept the same topic from another blogger. We will not waste time following up with anyone.

If you’d like to share your posts with our readers, we’d love to share them too. But please remember that there needs to be something unique in the post that you’re sharing with us. We do not syndicate content.

Example posts here:
Machu Picchu Dreaming
Should Christians support Israel
What to buy in Rome
Facts about the Colosseum
Montjuic Castle
Why invest in gold?
Tu B’Shvat Cookies

Collaborations and Sponsorships

We’re always open to collaborations with food and travel brands across the world. We’re easier to contact in India and Europe since me and my siblings are based here and have collaborated with a few brands in the region.

If you want to host us for reviews of hotels or lodgings in these areas or beyond, or if you want more information about our fees for collaborations, go ahead and contact us at

Sponsored Posts

From time to time, we accept disclosed sponsored posts only if they suit our audience. These posts will be marked with the rel=’sponsored’ tag so that it is clearly seen as sponsored. All of these posts are permanent, but you can ping us for yearly rates. The fees for different options are as below:

  • Sponsored link (nofollow) in an existing post – $400
  • Sponsored (nofollow) posts written by us – $300
  • Sponsored (nofollow) posts written by yourselves or your clients – $250
  • Each additional sponsored (nofollow) link in the same post costs extra

Sometimes negotiable if you’re a brand we like, but otherwise, if you want anything over and above this, please make sure you have a really shiny budget before pinging us.