Hello there! So if you landed here from my other blogs, you already know that I’m a Christian foodie and travel blogger and that I love spending time at home. Who doesn’t? (Okay, okay, I know quite a few people who don’t. To each his own.)
My siblings, friends and I are on a journey to discover how to thrive at home – you know we’re already working from home – but there’s so much more. Stuff like how ‘not’ to get your chili plants covered with aphids, how to soften your hair without chemicals, and more importantly how to spend more time in the Word.
Our learning process will always continue because you know, if you stop learning, you stop growing! With so many people supporting us, including you dear reader, we’re glad to go on this voyage of perfecting our hearths and homes.
By the way, the first time I travelled outside the country, we had gone to visit dad’s friends in the Holy Land and we spent almost a month there. Didn’t want to come back from Israel, but you know… life. Anyways, that’s me on the left of the pic below next to my siblings at the Garden of Gethsemane looking at the olive trees that Jesus may have touched. Random fun fact that you didn’t need to know: People used to call me fat back then, and now that I weigh 1.5 times that amount, people tell me I’ve lost weight.
Talking about weight, we love cooking. I’ve learned a lot from my mom. We grew up sitting on the paaneri (kitchen platform) stirring our traditional moulded marzipan and vanilla cream since we were barely 5-year-old kids. I used to just love watching mom making sojee cakes aka semolina cakes or fry potatoes and make a yummy chicken khudi. Or a chicken tope. Or a chicken roast. Mom’s chicken roast stuffed with liver pudding is so yummy. So is her duck moile and every other random thing she makes! That reminds me I have to put down more of her recipes one of these days.
And I love the way mom cooks. Food never tastes the same twice. It’s always throw approximately the same things together to make somewhat the same dish. No measurements! It’s almost like being Alice in Wonderland. Sis and me have learned to cook like mom. Just throw things together and it tastes awesome!
But what was I talking about? Yes, food!
Friends ask for recipes, and we rattle off a number of ingredients. Then they say, but how much. And we say, till it tastes good. Which really gets someone or the other miffed. So I finally got around to measuring out mom’s recipes a few years ago. And I’ve got my friends to put down some of theirs too. Smile, grin, smile!
So if you’re looking for gluten free chicken soup or special East Indian chicken tope or a number of other dishes, you’ve come to the right place! And a PS, if you’re looking for healthy meals, what on earth is wrong with you? Okay, seriously, we make healthy dishes too, but the majority of our food is hearty homecooked food that’s rich, spicy, and flavorsome.
If you’re not crazy about cooking or faith, lifestyle and DIY stuff, and you’re looking for restaurant reviews and where to eat or what to eat in a city, we have that too. And thanks for stopping by. Your reads make it worth the work!
A Few Facts About Abby
- I love books, especially Christian books. I have more than I can count.
- My favorite foods are chocolate and marzipan (yes, I know these aren’t real foods), paneer (Indian cottage cheese), foie de morue (soft cod liver sold in tins in France), malawach (the flaky flatbread from Israel), mathiya (delicious Gujarati papad made from Math beans for Diwali in India), green mutton chops (only mom’s version will do), and a lot more.
- I also love Kiri, in both its forms. The first one being Kiri, the calcium-filled yummy French cheese that’s made for children. Yup, the French ex-BF’s mum introduced me to it, and I absolutely love it. Do you? And also kiri, the udders of a goat roasted on a shig in India. It tastes like a savory marshmallow.
- My friends and family complain that the wine I make gets them all sleepy, drowsy and lethargic. But they haven’t stopped drinking it yet, so I’ll take that as a compliment.
- I make a mean chilli wine with my secret recipe (will try to share it one day) and a really spicy ginger wine.
- I’m an East Indian from Mumbai, India. Our cuisine is a mix of Portuguese and Maharashtrian. Here’s a list of our different dishes.
- I’m Christian, and Jesus is first in my life.
- My favorite pastors? There are so many of them.
- I have a Master’s in ICT Management but got tired of corporate life, and switched to working as a ghostwriter; and blogging on the side.
- I love to crochet. It helps me to de-stress. And although I hardly find the time to do it nowadays; it’s one of my go-to relaxants, other than cooking and brewing wine.
- My favorite fish is the fattiest one ever, the local baiki (not to be confused with the bhetki from the Bay of Bengal). It just oozes yummy sweet fatty goodness.
- I’m like my dad. I have to have at least one tiny piece of dessert after every meal. It’s a proclivity I cannot shake.
- I’m a mosquito magnet. I’ve tried most tricks in the book to get rid of them.
- I’m waiting for the day when I can afford to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, with just the mountains and streams to keep me company. And maybe a few sheep and olive, almond, orange, lemon, and apple trees, and tomatoes, cabbages, pumpkins, and so many other things.
- My favorite book authors at the moment are Ann Voskamp, Max Lucado, Robert Hendersen, Brian Simmons, Lana Vawser, Jennifer LeClaire, and John Eldredge. Just putting that out there in case anyone wants to gift me a book for Christmas or Hanukkah. Wink wink!
- I love listening to gospel and country music.
- I’m left-handed. Go figure!
Wanna show your support. Buy me a coffee!
My amazing siblings, Aaron, Sarah and The Soz also contribute posts now and then, as do a few guest writers. You’ll find a few of them here.
- Sarah’s being proposed to by a store owner in Jerusalem, Israel
- The Soz’s Tung Fort Trek
- Aaron’s poem on rejoicing being a choice
- Exploring the abode of Tigers
- Soz’s South African Oxtail Stew
- Life in Poinsur once upon a time
And these are a few of the popular posts by my friends: