About Abby & Abby’s Hearth

Hello there! So if you landed here from my travel and food blogs, you already know that I’m a Christian foodie and travel blogger and that I love spending time at home. Who doesn’t? (Okay, okay, I know quite a few people who don’t. To each his own.)

My siblings, friends and I are on a journey to discover how to thrive at home – you know we’re already working from home – but there’s so much more.

Stuff like how not to get your chili plants covered with aphids, how to soften your hair without chemicals, and more importantly how to spend more time in the Word.

Our learning process will always continue because you know, if you stop learning, you stop growing! With so many people supporting us, including you dear reader, we’re glad to go on this voyage of perfecting our hearths and homes.

A Few Facts About Abby

  • I love books, especially Christian books. I have more than I can count.
  • My favorite foods are chocolate and marzipan (yes, I know these aren’t real foods), paneer (Indian cottage cheese), foie de morue (soft cod liver sold in tins in France), malawach (the flaky flatbread from Israel), mathiya (delicious Gujarati papad made from Math beans for Diwali in India), green mutton chops (only mom’s version will do), and a lot more.
  • I’m an East Indian from Mumbai, India. You’ll find all the recipes for our different dishes on my other site Abby’s Plate.
  • I’m Christian, and Jesus is first in my life.
  • My favorite pastors? There are so many of them.
  • I have a Master’s in ICT Management but got tired of corporate life, and switched to working as a ghostwriter; and blogging on the side.
  • I love to crochet. It helps me to de-stress. And although I hardly find the time to do it nowadays; it’s one of my go-to relaxants, other than cooking and wine.
  • I’m a mosquito magnet. I’ve tried most tricks in the book to get rid of them.
  • I’m waiting for the day when I can afford to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, with just the mountains and streams to keep me company. And maybe a few sheep and olive, almond, orange, lemon, and apple trees, and tomatoes, cabbages, pumpkins, and so many other things.
  • My favorite book authors at the moment are Ann Voskamp, Max Lucado, Robert Hendersen, Brian Simmons, Lana Vawser, Jennifer LeClaire, and John Eldredge. Just putting that out there in case anyone wants to gift me a book for Christmas or Hanukkah. Wink wink!
  • I love listening to gospel and country music.
  • I’m left-handed. Go figure!

My amazing siblings, AaronSarah and The Soz also contribute posts now and then, as do a few guest writers. You’ll find a few of them here.