
Glutenfree Jackfruit Flour Cookies Recipe

Glutenfree Jackfruit Flour Cookies Recipe

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We had some leftover glutenfree jackfruit flour from the many packets I’d purchased for a friend in France; so we experimented with making gluten-free jackfruit flour cookies for dad because of his diabetes.

We ended up making over a kg and a half the first time. But the times after that we did a little better, just making half a kg. If you’re looking for some quick and easy glutenfree cookies that taste nutty and wholesome, try making these yummy glutenfree jackfruit flour cookies. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, they taste great!

What are the ingredients for the Jackfruit Flour Cookies?

Ingredients for the Jackfruit Flour Cookies
70 grams Jackfruit Seed Flour (Don’t use too much of this or it’ll get bitter)
100 grams Jackfruit Fruit Flour
70 grams Dessicated Coconut
100 grams Jaggery Powder
80 ml Milk
80 ml Coconut Oil
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 crushed Cardamom Pod

Steps to make the Coconut and Jackfruit Cookies easily

Making these gluten free jackfruit flour cookies is a lot simpler than making cookies from fresh jackfruits.

All you have to do is mix stuff together for about 10 minutes and massage, then freeze for a bit, and that’s it.

Jackfruit Flour and Jaggery Powder - Pic by Abby from AbbysPlate
Jackfruit Flour and Jaggery Powder

First we mixed the jackfruit flour and jaggery powder together.

Add the desiccated coconut - Pic by Abby from AbbysPlate
Add the desiccated coconut

Then we added in the desiccated coconut and baking powder.

Mix to form crumbs like a shortcrust pastry - Pic by Abby from AbbysPlate
Mix to form crumbs like a shortcrust pastry

Then we added in the coconut oil and mixed it together to form crumbs like a shortcrust pastry. And finally presssed it together to form long baseball-shaped logs that we froze for about 30 minutes.

Roll into logs - Pic by Abby from AbbysPlate
Roll into logs
Chop into half inch thick slices - Pic by Abby from AbbysPlate
Chop into half inch thick slices

Once the logs are frozen, chop them into half-inch thick slices and bake for 25 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius. You’ll end up with about 20 chunky cookies of 25 grams each.

Bake - Pic by Abby from AbbysPlate

The outsides get nice and crunchy, the insides are soft!

Jackfruit Cookies are ready - Pic by Abby from AbbysPlate
Jackfruit Cookies are ready

So we cooled them on the windowsill a bit before serving! And that’s it! Looking strange but tasting yummy glutenfree jackfruit flour cookies are ready!

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How to make Jackfruit Cookies - By Abby from AbbysPlate
Jackfruit Cookie Recipe - By Abby from AbbysPlate

1 thought on “Glutenfree Jackfruit Flour Cookies Recipe”

  1. they crumbled while cutting. so I turned them into balls. turned out pretty good. wish you had an option to upload pics here.


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